Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop

Steve Gandy - -

Filters and Type


The Filter Menu gives you access to all the filters:

Remember these points...

  • To convert for Smart Filters, maybe. Do you think you might ever want to adjust the Filter's effect? Then do.
  • Filters affect the Layer that is selected only in the Layers Panel.
  • Filters affect just the area that is selected or if there is no selection the entire contents of the Layer.
  • Use the Filter Gallery to "stack" the effects of multiple Filters.
  • It is easy to create a new text layer when you are just trying to place your cursor. You have to be careful and precise.




Point sizes react to different resolutions/sizes of the document. Be aware.

Point vs. Paragraph vs. on  a Path Type can be confusing. Basically, click and drag to create a paragraph. Click to place a point that the text will start. And you can carefully place the text point onto a previously made "path".

Besides the Text Tool Options there are paragraph and character panels to help format text.